Doc Mingo

Studio News

April 10, 2024

I’m deeply grateful for your support last year for the first three books in “The Lakeside Fairy Tales” series and our artwork. Looking forward to the fourth volume, “The Olga Sisters’ Baking Company,” this spring. Hoping to release two more titles by year-end. May God grant me time to publish all thirty planned volumes! Had fun planning a book tour this summer, appearing at Rainbow Book Fair on April 20 and Market Days in Chicago on August 10 & 11. Artwork and books will be available at these events, come visit! If only I could afford color prints for all my book images! My portfolio is growing, aiming for a color art book soon. Progressing slowly on an audiobook, aiming for release on Amazon and Apple this fall. My husband Alex helped organize my artwork into a catalog online and at shows. Hoping to meet you in person and hear your ideas for my magical tales about Boystown Chicago and the Center City Universe.

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